Board of Education
The Board of Education of the Glens Falls Common School District holds a public meeting once a month at 5:00pm in the Office of the Superintendent at Abraham Wing Elementary School. Our Board is made up of three members that are elected to serve three-year terms.
Kevin Hanselman, President
Peter Accardi, Vice President
Jack Diamond, Trustee
Angela Pfeiffer, School District Treasurer
Carisa Vogel, School District Clerk
Meetings 2024-2025
Thursday, July 11th- Organizational Meeting and Monthly Meeting
Thursday, August 8th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, September 12th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, October 10th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, November, 14th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, December 12th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, January 16th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, February 13th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, March 13th- Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, April 10th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, May 8th- Monthly Meeting
Thursday, June 12th- End of Year Meeting and Monthly Meeting